What's happened to Elon Musks first wife Justine Musk? Net Worth Today

Justine Musk:
• Canadian science fiction and fantasy author
• First wife of billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk
• Mother of five of their kids
• Divorced Elon in 2008
• Went public about her life and story of divorce in a blog
• No public information regarding any further romantic associations since the divorce

Who is Justine Musk?

Jennifer Justine Musk – nee Wilson – is a Canadian science fiction and fantasy author who was born on 2 September 1972, in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. She was the first wife of billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, and the mother of five of their kids. After eight years of marriage, the couple divorced in 2008.


Early life and education.

Born as Justine Wilson, she rarely speaks about her childhood, but in one interview she described it as a lonely one – “I was a really lonely kid,” Justine said.  It’s known that she did tae kwon do before going to college, and even had a black belt in it. Justine was in the relationship before she dumped her boyfriend when to go to college.

Meeting Elon Musk.

Justine and Elon met while studying at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, shortly after Elon came to Canada from South Africa. In an interview with Marie Claire, Justine remembered how sweet was Elon at the beginning, doing everything to get her attention. Justine ‘radiated romance and sexual energy’ according to Elon, which attracted him to her. He first saw her on campus, and invited her over for some ice cream. ‘She looked pretty great. She was also smart and intellectual, with sort of an edge. She was semi-bohemian and, you know, like the hot chick on campus,’ recalled Elon. However, Justine wasn’t serious about dating Elon at first which didn’t stop him. He kept calling her, sending flowers and handwritten romantic notes until he won Justine’s heart.

(almost) 42 + feeling fine pic.twitter.com/LmujguSitU

— Justine. (@justinemusk) August 23, 2014

Marriage with Elon.

By the year 2000, Justine had moved in with Elon, and they got a place of their own, moving to Silicon Valley. Justine thought they should get married which she suggested to Elon, who proposed to her instantly, and the same year the two married. Later Justine remembered a conversation they had on the wedding day; while dancing at the wedding reception, Elon told  her, ‘I am the alpha in this relationship.’ As much as this phrase alarmed her, Justine trusted Elon, and decided not to pay much attention to it.

How many children did Justine and Elon have?

The couple had a baby boy two years later and named him Nevada Alexander, however, 10 weeks after being born their son stopped breathing, and was put on the life support, but the doctors could do nothing and Nevada died in his parent’s arms. Elon had a hard time dealing with the loss, and started spending even more time at work. Justine admired how Elon coped with the tragedy. “He was very much in the mode of stiff-upper-lip, the-show-must-go-on,” she remembered. “He’s forward moving, and I think it’s a survival thing with him.” The couple still wanted to have children, and Justine went to a fertility clinic six weeks after Nevada passed away. She decided to try in vitro fertilization, and in 2004 Justine gave birth to twins, Griffin and Xavier, and in 2006 to triplets, Damian, Saxon and Kai – all five are boys.

Becoming a writer.

Justine never gave up on the idea of becoming a writer, which she had developed at college. Justine’s first contemporary fantasy novel – “BloodAngel” – was published in 2005 by the ROC imprint of Penguin Books. The second book entitled “Uninvited” came out in 2007, but was not related to the first book, the sequel to which called “Lord of Bones” came out in 2008. However, life with Elon was making it hard for her to write. She felt that she was not supported in what she was pursuing. “Elon does what he wants,” she recalls. “If you want what he wants, life can be very exciting — that’s how he seduces people, I think.” Justine felt that Elon had little respect for her writing and personality, and treated here like ‘an arm ornament, and couldn’t possibly have anything interesting to say’, but being that pretty wife taking care of their five children wasn’t her ambition.

Why did Justine and Elon Musk divorce?

Justine’s life was becoming unbearable, and in 2008 she told Elon about it and the couple tried counseling, but Elon would still push Justine to accept the relationship as it was. Justine had no strength to fight, but neither she could bare it, and finally asked Elon for a divorce. A bit more than a month later, Justine got a text from Elon, saying that he was getting engaged to an actress called Talulah Riley.

Elon blocked Justine’s credit card the morning he filed for divorce, so Justine had to fight for money with her now ex-husband. She went on CNBC’s “Divorce Wars”, and described her relationship with Elon in Marie Claire’s article ‘I Was A Starter Wife’. ‘We were at war for a while, and when you go to war with Elon, it’s pretty brutal’ said Justine.

What’s Justine’s net worth today?

Elon had almost no liquid assets at the time when the couple was divorcing, so Justine decided to fight the prenuptial agreement that would give her $20 million. In order to do it, she decided to go public about her life, and began relating her story of divorce in a blog. Justine was asking Elon for a house, Tesla Roadster car, support for their children until they turned seventeen, $6 million in cash, alimony of $80,000 a month, a 10% stake in Tesla, and 5% in the SpaceX. A court took Justine’s side and confirmed the validity of the prenuptial agreement. There is no public information regarding any further romantic associations since the divorce.
